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Goodyear companion travel package

Product Code : GDY SYHT 1990
892.00 TL
It provides extra comfort with its special texture and inner filling made of slumet fabric by taking the shape of the waist area. Thanks to its elastic structure, it helps you sit straight. It prevents pain by supporting waist anatomy in the residence position. It can be used easily in all seats and chairs in your home and workplace. It can be fixed to your seat with its durable tires. Goodyear Visco Waist Support Pillow is a pillow designed for people with low back pain. This pillow is manufactured using visolastic material and provides comfort and support by fully adapting to the waist area. The product is designed to help people with low back pain to sleep comfortably. Thanks to its fully sitting in the waist area, it can reduce pain and discomfort by maintaining the natural position of the waist. For example, it can also be used to reduce back and back pain during pregnancy. Office instructions are quite simple. You can use the pillow in sleep or seating areas such as beds or sofa. Place exactly in your waist area and be in a comfortable position. The pillow takes shape according to body temperature and provides a special fit. The benefits of Goodyear Visco Waist Support Pillow Reduces Low Low Pain, maintain the natural sleeping position and fully adapt to the body. In addition, the fact that the pillow is made of visolastic material allows it to maintain its shape and resistant even in long -term use. As a result, Goodyear Visco Waist Support Pillow is a comfortable and supportive pillow designed for people with low back pain. The product is very easy to use and people with different disorders can easily use it.
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